Transformational Breath
WorksHops by celiaPractising Transformational Breath
My Transformational Breath workshops are particularly effective if you are interested in living a healthier and happier life, or are seeking lasting change and self-improvement.
Every one of us has a unique breath pattern, and in my workshop you will learn how to harness its power.
We all hold on to tension in our bodies, and this restricts us from breathing as deeply and fully as we should. You will learn about how, why and where your body holds on to tension, and then I will work individually with you to transform your breathing.

Practising Transformational Breath will release tension from your respiratory muscles, allowing your unique breath pattern to relax your body and quieten your mind…as if by magic!
Together, we will practise each component of Transformational Breath, including circular breathing, acupressure (light touch), sound, movement, positive affirmations and finally, deep relaxation.
I will show you how to ‘take your breath to the gym’ every day with simple techniques you can practise at home in just 5-10 minutes. There will also be plenty of time for you to ask questions.
Following the workshop, your body and mind will feel wonderfully lighter, freer and more relaxed. I guarantee that once you have learned how to harness the power of your breath, you will want to feel the transformational benefits every single day.
Sign up to this workshopMy workshops are each priced at £50. Please contact me to ask any questions or book your place.